Dubber: Kitchen Orchestra Xmas single
Dubber: Chocolate money
Dubber: Baby cheeses
Dubber: Sam the pushchair man
Dubber: Cheese board
Dubber: Pressies and wine
Dubber: Wine
Dubber: Preparing the tart
Dubber: In the kitchen
Dubber: GIANT cinnamon roll
Dubber: Christmas eve dinner - chilli in a bread bowl
Dubber: Christmas eve dinner - chilli in a bread bowl
Dubber: Christmas eve dinner - chilli in a bread bowl
Dubber: Jo's chilli brick with gluten-free bread
Dubber: Jo's Italian wine
Dubber: I couldn't finish...
Dubber: Jo is full of chilli
Dubber: Jo with her pressie
Dubber: Street Artists
Dubber: iPhone compatible gloves
Dubber: Cinnamon roll
Dubber: A mild Christmas morning
Dubber: Champagne breakfast
Dubber: Champagne breakfast
Dubber: Beef Wellington ready to cook
Dubber: Dessert ingredients
Dubber: Chocolate Moelleux ready to bake
Dubber: Potatoes fondant
Dubber: Beef Wellington
Dubber: Beef Wellington