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Manhattan in fog / Manhattan sob neblina
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Early morning in Newark on a misty morning / Amanhecer em Newark em uma manhã nublada
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Québec - Fort St
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Sunrise in New York viewed from Newark / Nascer do sol em Nova York visto de Newark - Zoom
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Sunrise in New York viewed from Newark / Nascer do sol em Nova York visto de Newark
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Painting of a famous photo / Pintura de uma famosa foto
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London Eye
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Montreal Biosphère
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Detail of the Monument / Detalhe do Monumento - Padrão dos Descobrimentos
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Gondole / Gôndolas
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Le Château Frontenac
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Artist in action
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Eglise Saint-Sulpice
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Rio de Janeiro - Aerial Photo Night / Foto Aérea Noturna
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The Powder Tower / Prašná brána / Torre da Pólvora
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The Reflex
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The Object
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King of Fast Food
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Roebling Suspension Bridge
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St Margaret's Church Westminster
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Campanario de la iglesia de San Francisco / Belfry of the church of Sao Francisco
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Sculpture dans le palais des Versailles
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Niagara Falls Partially Frozen
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Sacré Cœur
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Big Ben - London
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Mountains of snow on the streets of Chicago / Montanhas de neve nas ruas de Chicago
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People walking on Broklyn Bridge / Pessoas circulando na Ponte do Broklyn
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People walking on Broklyn Bridge / Pessoas circulando na Ponte do Broklyn
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Street in the suburbs of Chicago on a cold night / Rua nos suburbios de Chicago em uma noite gelada