AdrianSchroeter: First important thing after arriving in SF is to go to the piers, to ....
AdrianSchroeter: .. get a blue bottle coffee ...
AdrianSchroeter: life is good then :)
AdrianSchroeter: Finance distric is interessting
AdrianSchroeter: at least the buildings
AdrianSchroeter: But hotel parking place is even more
AdrianSchroeter: and alternative designed
AdrianSchroeter: cool. Hilton parking place.
AdrianSchroeter: Standard walk on the russian hill. Just for the cable car pictures.
AdrianSchroeter: You need to make cable car pictures in SF. Always. But they can be small these days :)
AdrianSchroeter: View to the bay bridge from russian hill. this year with a filter.
AdrianSchroeter: Alcatraz.
AdrianSchroeter: Russian Hill is still a challange
AdrianSchroeter: Only lazy people take cable cars.
AdrianSchroeter: A ship, which looks boring if you visited Hamburg Hafenfest the week before :)
AdrianSchroeter: Tourist mile, the warf
AdrianSchroeter: Pier 39 standard view.
AdrianSchroeter: An empty pier building. Outside solid stone, inside it is sometimes just wood.
AdrianSchroeter: He deserved a blue bottle coffee again.
AdrianSchroeter: Finance district... someone play with a small house in between.
AdrianSchroeter: On the way to treasure island.
AdrianSchroeter: Tizen party in pirat style in the winery.
AdrianSchroeter: Pirates everywhere
AdrianSchroeter: The view...
AdrianSchroeter: San Francisco at day
AdrianSchroeter: after sunset
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