Adrian: The First International ARGfest
Adrian: The rest of the ARGfest
Adrian: Mike from Haxan
Adrian: Jane McGonigal from 4orty2wo
Adrian: HELLO, my name is Adrian Hon
Adrian: Team Green
Adrian: Evan from Regenesis talking to the Operator
Adrian: Space, Cortana and Darklytr on Team Green
Adrian: Team Green heading to Grand Central Station
Adrian: From left to right - Space, someone, Wishi, Pixiestix, Fluffy, Evan, Darklytr, Cortana
Adrian: Darklytr looking frazzled, Pixiestix looking small
Adrian: The adventurous bunch
Adrian: Team Green in Grand Central Station
Adrian: Team Green in GCS
Adrian: What does it say?
Adrian: Pixiestix checking out the SMS arrow
Adrian: Team Yellow trailing behind
Adrian: Team Green, looking enthusiastic
Adrian: What a great country
Adrian: Cortana, getting his pic taken
Adrian: The final puzzle of the FestQuest
Adrian: Piecing it together
Adrian: The triumphant Team Green!
Adrian: Jamesi and Mrs Jamesi at Lombardi's Pizza in Little Italy
Adrian: Michael in his PJs with Lou
Adrian: Jonny5 checking out a PXC card
Adrian: These cards, they're good!
Adrian: Fi and Steve in a secret romantic embrace
Adrian: Too close!
Adrian: Wishi taking a peek at Yanka's secrets