adrianana: Savoonga and the Kookooligit mts
adrianana: Darly, Beverly, Sam, and Christopher help me scout my site
adrianana: Happy Solstice!
adrianana: Savoonga Solstice, from under an umiak
adrianana: Savoonga solstice
adrianana: windpower site
adrianana: can you find the carcass?
adrianana: Esna's crazy face
adrianana: Beverly, Esna, and Darly pile in
adrianana: to collect the eggs
adrianana: murre egg gatherers going, flock of murres coming
adrianana: Esna shows a treasure
adrianana: Cuspe scans the water
adrianana: Betty collects fresh water
adrianana: tundra beauty
adrianana: tiny bells
adrianana: dancing at the firehall
adrianana: Noongwook drummers
adrianana: Betty slices munktuk
adrianana: murre egg harvest
adrianana: Kitnik
adrianana: flight of the leasties
adrianana: auklets still live here
adrianana: chubbiest Toolie
adrianana: Ayung and Acoum
adrianana: back from boating on calmest water
adrianana: Uta (Art) has been fishing
adrianana: Kyca's fiercest face
adrianana: race to the swimming hole
adrianana: the boys ease in