Velvet G: Nephew
Velvet G: Boys and their toys
Velvet G: The eyes of a child
Velvet G: Oh the humanity
Velvet G: The older Godchild
Velvet G: outtake
Velvet G: Bond... James Bond
Velvet G: Rumble young man rumble
Velvet G: Unconditional
Velvet G: "Captain, there's no response from the colony."
Velvet G: What do you mean "SWIM BACK"?
Velvet G: Siblings
Velvet G: Super powers are wasted on the youth
Velvet G: The four faces of Aki
Velvet G: First Crush
Velvet G: Coming down off of the sugar high
Velvet G: Nas and Gib
Velvet G: Aki hypnotized by the television
Velvet G: Seven is staring at me
Velvet G: Future card sharks
Velvet G: Cheese
Velvet G: What do you mean there's no more candy
Velvet G: With the focus I gave to my birthday candles
Velvet G: Sparkle
Velvet G: Ninjas and stuff