AMFos Photography: 2014_11_05_Roll5020.jpg
AMFos Photography: 20130412-DSC_0240.jpg
AMFos Photography: Candid model with Photog
AMFos Photography: 20130412-DSC_0182.jpg
AMFos Photography: 2014_11_05_Roll4070.jpg
AMFos Photography: Woman with matching boots and bag
AMFos Photography: 20140524-DSCF2104.jpg
AMFos Photography: Girl with tatoos
AMFos Photography: Man in white suit
AMFos Photography: Tree DOF test
AMFos Photography: Model shoot #1
AMFos Photography: 20130412-DSC_0237.jpg
AMFos Photography: Man on phone at bottom of stairs
AMFos Photography: Greek cat 2
AMFos Photography: Katerina Portrait
AMFos Photography: Excavation assembly point
AMFos Photography: Strobist SYD-SA-09 Natural Light
AMFos Photography: 20140524-DSCF2118
AMFos Photography: 20140329-DSCF0110.jpg
AMFos Photography: 20140519-DSC_0002.jpg