Adolfo.c7: Monterey
Adolfo.c7: Monterey Bay Aquarium
Adolfo.c7: Monterey Sunset
Adolfo.c7: Monterey Bay
Adolfo.c7: Monterey after sunset
Adolfo.c7: Monterey after sunset
Adolfo.c7: Twin Peaks Portrait
Adolfo.c7: Amoeba Music
Adolfo.c7: Haight-Ashbury guard dog
Adolfo.c7: Golden Gate
Adolfo.c7: Golden Gate
Adolfo.c7: Golden Gate
Adolfo.c7: Bay Fishing
Adolfo.c7: Lunch by the bay
Adolfo.c7: Alcatraz
Adolfo.c7: Live painting by the bay
Adolfo.c7: Boudin Bakery
Adolfo.c7: San Simeon