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C F Booth, Aston 1979-1982 by Ado Griff
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Ado Griff
Aleander (Fife) FRD213 at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff
Alexander (Fife) FRD195 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff
Barrow Corp 166 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff
Bournemouth 209 at C F Booth 1981
Ado Griff
Brighton 16 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff
C F Booth, Aston Jan 1981
Ado Griff
Crosville MW trainer G411 1981
Ado Griff
East Kent 7769 at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff
East Kent Guy Arab at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff
East Midland 258 at C F Booth 1979
Ado Griff
East Yorkshire 865 at C F Booth 1980
Ado Griff
East Yorkshire 874. Not the first RAT in the yard?
Ado Griff
Eastern Counties LHS934 1981
Ado Griff
Eastern Counties LHS936 1981
Ado Griff
Former South Wales Regent 462 at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff
Grampian 326 at C F Booth 1980
Ado Griff
Grampian 328 331 & 330 at C F Booth 1980
Ado Griff
Grampian Transport 292 & 319 at C F Booth 1981
Ado Griff
Greater Manchester 3055 & 6020 C F Booth, Aston 1979
Ado Griff
Greater Manchester 3080 & 3090 at C F Booth
Ado Griff
Greater Manchester 3132 & 3134 at C F Booth, Aston 1982
Ado Griff
Greater Manchester 3718 Booths 1979
Ado Griff
LT RF471, not so Regal at Booths 1979
Ado Griff
LT RF520 at C F Booth, Aston 1979
Ado Griff
LT RT4439 at C F Booth Aston 1980
Ado Griff
LUT 136 & 239 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff
LUT 267 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff
LUT 77 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff
LUT Guy Arabs at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff
Leyland National test bed B706 (1). C F Booth, Aston May 1981.
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