Ado Griff: Aleander (Fife) FRD213 at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff: Alexander (Fife) FRD195 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff: Barrow Corp 166 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff: Bournemouth 209 at C F Booth 1981
Ado Griff: Brighton 16 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff: C F Booth, Aston Jan 1981
Ado Griff: Crosville MW trainer G411 1981
Ado Griff: East Kent 7769 at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff: East Kent Guy Arab at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff: East Midland 258 at C F Booth 1979
Ado Griff: East Yorkshire 865 at C F Booth 1980
Ado Griff: East Yorkshire 874. Not the first RAT in the yard?
Ado Griff: Eastern Counties LHS934 1981
Ado Griff: Eastern Counties LHS936 1981
Ado Griff: Former South Wales Regent 462 at C F Booth, Aston 1981
Ado Griff: Grampian 326 at C F Booth 1980
Ado Griff: Grampian 328 331 & 330 at C F Booth 1980
Ado Griff: Grampian Transport 292 & 319 at C F Booth 1981
Ado Griff: Greater Manchester 3055 & 6020 C F Booth, Aston 1979
Ado Griff: Greater Manchester 3080 & 3090 at C F Booth
Ado Griff: Greater Manchester 3132 & 3134 at C F Booth, Aston 1982
Ado Griff: Greater Manchester 3718 Booths 1979
Ado Griff: LT RF471, not so Regal at Booths 1979
Ado Griff: LT RF520 at C F Booth, Aston 1979
Ado Griff: LT RT4439 at C F Booth Aston 1980
Ado Griff: LUT 136 & 239 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff: LUT 267 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff: LUT 77 at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff: LUT Guy Arabs at C F Booth, Aston 1980
Ado Griff: Leyland National test bed B706 (1). C F Booth, Aston May 1981.