adnohrg: Dolly trying out the quilt.
adnohrg: Dolly in the bassinet.
adnohrg: Completely hand sewn doll bassinet. (other side)
adnohrg: Completely hand sewn doll bassinet.
adnohrg: Diaper bag with wipes and diapers inside for little mommy.
adnohrg: Wipes for the diaper bag.
adnohrg: Shirt and skirt for WW dolls.
adnohrg: Jumper and t-shirt for WW dolls.
adnohrg: Jammies for WW dolls.
adnohrg: Doll quilt for La La's doll.
adnohrg: La La is constantly asking for a "once upon a time I was driving a red car", so I put cars on the back of her quilt.
adnohrg: Binding on La La's quilt matches one of her doll outfits.
adnohrg: W's doll quilt.
adnohrg: Shirt, shorts, t-shirt and overalls for WW sized doll.
adnohrg: PJ's for boy WW dolls.
adnohrg: Quilt for B's doll
adnohrg: Overalls and tee, shirt and shorts for WW sized doll.
adnohrg: AG doll sized jeans and outfit.
adnohrg: AG sized dresses
adnohrg: WW sized shirt and skirt
adnohrg: Matching jammies for WW doll and AG doll.