Admit One: Quebec Trip - Looking at airport toys while we wait to board
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Looking at airport toys while we wait to board
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Our flight to Quebec City
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Ready to go!
Admit One: Quebec Trip - The luggage is loaded
Admit One: Quebec trip - Follow the leader - Taxiing out to our adventure
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Takeoff from Toronto
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Takeoff from Toronto
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Flying over Toronto
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Flying from Toronto to Quebec City
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Flying from Toronto to Quebec City
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Flying from Toronto to Quebec City
Admit One: Quebec trip - Apple Juice at 31,000 ft.
Admit One: Quebec trip - Filler up!
Admit One: Quebec trip - Arrived in Quebec City
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Samuel de Champlain monument
Admit One: Quebec trip - Quebec city Local Media
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Maple Syrup treat
Admit One: Quebec trip - Chateau Frontenac
Admit One: Quebec trip - Chateau Frontenac
Admit One: Quebec trip - Chateau Frontenac
Admit One: Quebec Trip
Admit One: Quebec Trip
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Samuel de Champlain monument
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Samuel de Champlain monument
Admit One: Quebec trip - Quebec City - Crepes
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Provincial Legislature (National Assembly)
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Provincial Legislature (National Assembly)
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Provincial Legislature (National Assembly)
Admit One: Quebec Trip - Provincial Legislature (National Assembly)