A.D. Loucks: The Goodfeathers
A.D. Loucks: Portland OR, Zoo
A.D. Loucks: Portland OR, Zoo
A.D. Loucks: Portland OR, Jeff and squirl..
A.D. Loucks: Anderson CA,
A.D. Loucks: _DSC0051-2
A.D. Loucks: _DSC0107-2
A.D. Loucks: _DSC0018-2
A.D. Loucks: _DSC0152-2
A.D. Loucks: Sad girl
A.D. Loucks: So sad.
A.D. Loucks: Pissed
A.D. Loucks: She wants chips
A.D. Loucks: Getting Mad
A.D. Loucks: Mad Dog
A.D. Loucks: Hound dog
A.D. Loucks: 1DSC_2611_281DSC_2611