adlaw: party pull- the showering of goodies
adlaw: posing
adlaw: Gigi and the kids
adlaw: mommy, lea and some USC Chem guests
adlaw: me dispensing the party loot
adlaw: sweetsexything (jenny) and gigi, the host
adlaw: Mimai, our instant videographer volunteer
adlaw: Farl's UP high school barkada
adlaw: blowing the candles
adlaw: enjoying the ice popsicle
adlaw: the singers
adlaw: party pull fever
adlaw: Zanipolo, Roy and Yohann
adlaw: Zanipolo, Roy
adlaw: kids will be kids
adlaw: games galore
adlaw: games
adlaw: the swordsman elf
adlaw: rikkert
adlaw: amil
adlaw: winner- best in costume (girls)
adlaw: alert eyes
adlaw: sinbad
adlaw: reshia and rikkert
adlaw: best in costume (boys)
adlaw: a fairy
adlaw: reshia
adlaw: enjoying the cotton candy
adlaw: face painted
adlaw: coy smile