adlaw: buying fruits at a Saigon night market
adlaw: Vietnamese halo halo
adlaw: Vietnamese dried nuts and sweets
adlaw: assorted vietnamese sweets
adlaw: saigon's busy street
adlaw: blurry farley
adlaw: Notre Dame interior
adlaw: Notre Dame of Saigon
adlaw: vietnamese beauties
adlaw: typical vietnamese dinner
adlaw: saigon at night
adlaw: mangoes and durian
adlaw: sunset over saigon
adlaw: opera house of saigon
adlaw: People Committee Hall
adlaw: Saigon
adlaw: Cu Chi tunnel opening
adlaw: Cu Chi feet
adlaw: hell hole
adlaw: deadly traps
adlaw: farley emerging from the hole...
adlaw: Vietcong diet
adlaw: mekong river boat
adlaw: clouds over mekong river
adlaw: boat
adlaw: bridge
adlaw: riverside village
adlaw: dock
adlaw: feet @ mekong river
adlaw: vietnamese