twittcrumpet: optimistic
twittcrumpet: "while you were meditating on nature, i was playing angry birds"
twittcrumpet: first day, last climb, nasty
twittcrumpet: thanks you
twittcrumpet: pas de labaud
twittcrumpet: another day...
twittcrumpet: ...another hour dozing under a tree.
twittcrumpet: perfect
twittcrumpet: cool day
twittcrumpet: cool bus
twittcrumpet: cool view
twittcrumpet: flaretastic
twittcrumpet: kerpow!
twittcrumpet: nice shadows, apparently
twittcrumpet: no deer this year
twittcrumpet: another sunrise
twittcrumpet: i forget why i took this
twittcrumpet: loitering pros
twittcrumpet: hurry up you two, it's going to get dark.
twittcrumpet: so that's where it went
twittcrumpet: champion shadows
twittcrumpet: champion shadows and mine.