Adelina: Cleo on the new bed...
Adelina: Watching the Golden Girls.
Adelina: My side of the new bed.
Adelina: The new bed!!
Adelina: Silly me.
Adelina: My dresser and closet.
Adelina: Cleo and feet
Adelina: My window
Adelina: My pillow (and teddy bear)
Adelina: Dessert.
Adelina: Flowers from the farm
Adelina: Washed out flowers
Adelina: Starry
Adelina: Adam and the instructions
Adelina: Jesi hiding behind her beer...
Adelina: Kisses from Addie
Adelina: Eric making a lovely face
Adelina: Adam and the pretzel.
Adelina: Me, keith and Keith
Adelina: A game of grass
Adelina: Keith's profile.
Adelina: Jesi.
Adelina: How much is a cord of wood?
Adelina: Cord? Who's got a cord?
Adelina: Keep away from Eric.
Adelina: A night with my honey
Adelina: Eric's Massastwoshits drum
Adelina: Beer fridge
Adelina: Tiger Piss?
Adelina: Cleo and her pretzels