addydoodle: Zzzzz
addydoodle: My sheet has a nose...
addydoodle: What's this lump in my bed?
addydoodle: Morning, Addy Doodle
addydoodle: tiny dogs are everywhere...
addydoodle: *happy easter*
addydoodle: *happy easter*
addydoodle: 7:25 a.m. drowsy doodle
addydoodle: "i will not say cheese."
addydoodle: *giant yawn*
addydoodle: Yep. I'm excited.
addydoodle: Awkward doodle face... "meh."
addydoodle: Sigh.
addydoodle: I'll get up in a minute...
addydoodle: Longing to stay in bed
addydoodle: "hork"
addydoodle: Doodle legs
addydoodle: My lil Doodle
addydoodle: Watch-Doodle at Work
addydoodle: I see you...
addydoodle: Dramatic sleeper
addydoodle: Service please?!
addydoodle: Addy at school!
addydoodle: No, mom. It's not time to get up yet!
addydoodle: One Doodle Wrap comin' right up!!
addydoodle: Doodle goes to school!
addydoodle: Today we will learn the correct form of holding a Doodle.
addydoodle: Go Buckeyes
addydoodle: She loves Sock Monkey.
addydoodle: Tug o War