Miss Plum: devilish
Miss Plum: nj vs. ohio
Miss Plum: she may be dead but she can still sing.
Miss Plum: tupac vs. mary
Miss Plum: amanda and friend
Miss Plum: max from rushmore and her "pretentious" friend
Miss Plum: the blue beaver badge
Miss Plum: corpse cook
Miss Plum: black hat, black bird.
Miss Plum: our delightful hostess
Miss Plum: party panda
Miss Plum: mack tonight
Miss Plum: party scene
Miss Plum: that funky lamp
Miss Plum: kitchen chicken
Miss Plum: soccer pose
Miss Plum: corpse-girl and her bro
Miss Plum: evil rabbit
Miss Plum: waiting on the bus, avoiding the crackheads.