Addie-B: little girl tintype
Addie-B: F.P. 18-- From P---
Addie-B: Flora Eastman
Addie-B: family resemblance
Addie-B: hidden mother
Addie-B: Victorian renaissance girls(?)
Addie-B: little sister
Addie-B: James Lasbury
Addie-B: barefoot baby
Addie-B: little sisters big chairs
Addie-B: Mary Hartle
Addie-B: Jane Hartle?
Addie-B: Gussie and Cummins Hartle
Addie-B: The Hartle Family
Addie-B: Goldilocks
Addie-B: Victorian boys
Addie-B: Little scottish lad
Addie-B: Gem tintype of an old man
Addie-B: Young gent
Addie-B: When is this going to be over?
Addie-B: Cowell tintype
Addie-B: Father and Son
Addie-B: Little Lady
Addie-B: Hidden Mother