adderall1977: day forty-two: a panel of legs
adderall1977: day one: the wicked witch of the west
adderall1977: day fifty-one: multiplicity
adderall1977: day eighteen: socks 'n sushi
adderall1977: day one hundred eighty-seven: mommy and me
adderall1977: day thirty-five: what do people do all day?
adderall1977: day forty-eight: f(a)m(i)ly is a four-letter word
adderall1977: day fifty-seven: so many books
adderall1977: day seventy-two: stripes
adderall1977: day seventy-eight: $pread
adderall1977: day ninety-three: there are days
adderall1977: day ninety-six: you're standing in it
adderall1977: day ninety-eighty: the confectionary
adderall1977: day one hundred three: on the sly
adderall1977: day one hundred fifteen: clue
adderall1977: day one hundred: mine eyes have seen
adderall1977: day two hundred twelve: covered in blue
adderall1977: day one hundred twenty-eight: where the hell is my camera?
adderall1977: day one hundred eighty-one: combat ready
adderall1977: day one hundred thirty-nine: mismatched
adderall1977: day one hundred forty-three: a total lack of imagination
adderall1977: day one hundred forty-five: not another shot of your feet in socks
adderall1977: day two hundred six: up in the air
adderall1977: day one hundred sixty-six: board
adderall1977: day two hundred two: staring down
adderall1977: day one hundred sixty-two: moving?
adderall1977: day one hundred fifty-eight: perspective
adderall1977: day one hundred seventy-eight: until i fall away
adderall1977: day one hundred ninety-three: black and white
adderall1977: day one hundred ninety-seven: laid back