alexdecarvalho: Brian Breslin of infinimedia @brbreslin
alexdecarvalho: Ali Wadsworth of Brikolodge
alexdecarvalho: Dan Rubin @danrubin
alexdecarvalho: Ben Bloch of Agency Net @benbinary
alexdecarvalho: Nathaniel McNamara @nathanielmc and Chris Saylor @cwsaylor
alexdecarvalho: Monica Betancourt @geektastik and Lola
alexdecarvalho: Mike Gowen of Tickspot and Scrapblog @mikegee
alexdecarvalho: Paul Kruger
alexdecarvalho: RefreshMiami Internet Group Anniversary
alexdecarvalho: Alex Harris @alexdesigns
alexdecarvalho: Onajide of Miami Art Exchange @onajide
alexdecarvalho: Benjamin King
alexdecarvalho: RefreshMiami Internet Group Anniversary
alexdecarvalho: Benjamin King and Michael Montgomery @montgomery
alexdecarvalho: RefreshMiami Internet Group Anniversary
alexdecarvalho: Kristen Taylor of the Knight Foundation @kthread and Dan Rubin @danrubin
alexdecarvalho: Lola, RefreshMiami's mascot ;)
alexdecarvalho: Yvette
alexdecarvalho: Brian Breslin of infinimedia @brbreslin
alexdecarvalho: RefreshMiami Internet Group Anniversary
alexdecarvalho: Michael Montgomery @montgomery and Davide Di Cillo @thegrin
alexdecarvalho: Kristen Taylor of the Knight Foundation @kthread and Michael Montgomery @montgomery
alexdecarvalho: Christopher Carillo
alexdecarvalho: Enzo @enzobalc