Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Tippy Toe ( 垫脚 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Beauty and Magic of Light
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Beauty and Beauties to be ( 美和即将的美 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Yes, we are really pretty. (我们的确很美。)
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Lighthouse and Rocks ( 灯塔和岩石)
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Butterfly and Colors ( 蝴蝶与色彩 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Greenlicious ( 翠绿 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Clouds Up and Under ( 上下云彩 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Why He is Different ( 他为什么不一样 ) ?
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Dazzling ( 优美 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Beauty and its fan ( 美与追求者 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Elegance and Light ( 典雅与光线 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Twin Pink Beauties ( 粉色双娇 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Beauty and Mood ( 美与心境 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Perfect ( 完美 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Heart of a Beauty ( 美之心 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Focus ( 聚焦 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Beauty in Yellow ( 黄美人 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Ready to blossom ( 含苞欲放 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: "Let there be light", and there was light ( 神說:「要有光」,就有了光。)
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Hello there ( 你好 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: White Beauty and a Little Companion ( 白莲与小伴侣 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Go Away ( 走开 ) !
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Good Morning ( 早晨好 ) !
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Enjoy ( 尽情享受 ) !
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Coming Home ( 回家 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Nice Landing ( 漂亮着陆 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Cutie with Water Droplet (乖小鸭和水珠)
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Wild Colors of Sunset ( 荒野中的夕阳 )
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Odd One ( 就是不一样 )