adamthelibrarian: Nod to Harbinger Series (Cole Thompson) & My Soccer Field Muse
adamthelibrarian: Green, Blue, and Soccer
adamthelibrarian: Stay off the Sod
adamthelibrarian: Soccer and a Summer Sky
adamthelibrarian: Inadvertent Grass Design
adamthelibrarian: Soccer and the trees
adamthelibrarian: Soccer on a sunny day
adamthelibrarian: Hazy Goal, III
adamthelibrarian: Hazy Goal, II
adamthelibrarian: Hazy Goal, I
adamthelibrarian: Hazy Soccer Bench
adamthelibrarian: Stark Landscape with Goal, III
adamthelibrarian: Stark Landscape with Goal, II
adamthelibrarian: Stark Landscape with Goal, I
adamthelibrarian: Stark Landscape
adamthelibrarian: Night and Snow Descends, a series
adamthelibrarian: Night and Snow Descends, a series
adamthelibrarian: Night and Snow Descends, a series
adamthelibrarian: Night and Snow Descends, a series
adamthelibrarian: Night and Snow Descends, a series
adamthelibrarian: Soccer & the Night Sky, III
adamthelibrarian: Soccer & the Night Sky, II
adamthelibrarian: Evening Landscape
adamthelibrarian: Empty Stands, II
adamthelibrarian: Snow on Field, II
adamthelibrarian: Eerie Glow, III
adamthelibrarian: Eerie Glow, II
adamthelibrarian: Eerie Glow, I
adamthelibrarian: Snow on field
adamthelibrarian: Empty Stands