FeckR: Lights and shadows
Merrillie: Winter Sunrise and Surfs Up
Dhina A: Autumn green
Gabi Hahn: flaming autumn
dominique 15: Vague de brume
Richard R. Powell: Berry Sparkly
ralfkai41: I see You ! - Ich sehe Dich !
madden75220: You are looking at the most beautiful beach with clear turquoise water, the heavenly theater of the Navagio beach
madden75220: Full moon
madden75220: Beautifull scenery
A Different Perspective: There's always one
stevenoldak1: I'll put all my money on this guy!
Le P'tit Eric!!!!!: Shorebreak art.......
Mr Mikage (ミスター御影): Hatchlands Park, Surrey ハッチランズ公園、サリー州、イギリス
Martin Bärtges: Water lilies
mok_by: Simple is good
V A N D E E: Dark Oval
le_charly: Winikunka
le_charly: Panorama pyrénéen(2)
le_charly: Tracteur à Auribail
le_charly: Nine Arches bridge - Ella
le_charly: Vallée de Cocora
Dhina A: Poppy
Ardan.: Timeless
Pilgrim on this road - Bill Revill: St. Sebastian's cemetery stone
Thomas Hawk: Oakland Sunsets
Buddy Patrick: The Secret Cemetery (South Australia's Northeast Pastoral District, Outback Australia)