adamr.stone: But they sent us to North Fort Hood....
adamr.stone: Army Travel stubble
adamr.stone: Our carrier
adamr.stone: Snow in Bangor
adamr.stone: The second stop
adamr.stone: 20130320-A-XD571-010
adamr.stone: 20130320-A-XD571-009
adamr.stone: 20130320-A-XD571-007
adamr.stone: Lowest Bidder...
adamr.stone: The other cigar club
adamr.stone: Watching Archer while on lockdown
adamr.stone: The angry mob waiting on Pizza Hut
adamr.stone: My last Cuban
adamr.stone: 20130319-A-XD571-033
adamr.stone: Frederick Holt in his Rush Limbaugh pose
adamr.stone: 20130319-A-XD571-031
adamr.stone: 20130319-A-XD571-030
adamr.stone: 20130319-A-XD571-029
adamr.stone: Facepalm
adamr.stone: Holt acting happy he's leaving
adamr.stone: Trust me, i'm a professional
adamr.stone: RAZOR KNIFE EDGES!
adamr.stone: We're on LOCKDOWN!
adamr.stone: 20130319-A-XD571-020
adamr.stone: Berardi at his last breakfast in Kuwait
adamr.stone: One last time with Ronald at the LSA
adamr.stone: 20130318-A-XD571-041
adamr.stone: 20130318-A-XD571-040
adamr.stone: Golden Arches
adamr.stone: 20130317-A-XD571-047