adamroscoe: View from star ferry
adamroscoe: From the peak 2
adamroscoe: Un-buggered view from the peak
adamroscoe: Buggererd-up view from the peak 1
adamroscoe: hong kong harbor 2 170904
adamroscoe: Buggered-up pic hong kong harbor 170904
adamroscoe: Star ferry
adamroscoe: Seat on the Star Ferry, Hong Kong
adamroscoe: White boat
adamroscoe: Buggered-up view from Star ferry
adamroscoe: Moving view of HK seascape
adamroscoe: HK Island from Kowloon
adamroscoe: Pet shop
adamroscoe: To Western market
adamroscoe: To Western market 2
adamroscoe: Corner building
adamroscoe: Westerm mkt tram
adamroscoe: Western market stall
adamroscoe: wig stall
adamroscoe: Western Market knicker stall
adamroscoe: Reflections
adamroscoe: Frank hotel: rooms by the hour
adamroscoe: Wanko clothes shop
adamroscoe: Hello kitty
adamroscoe: Scaffolding