adamp33: F2Es with Douglas "God Father of JS" Crockford
adamp33: Jessie is my classmate in elementary school
adamp33: Douglas' gesture
adamp33: talk@nctu
adamp33: talk@nctu
adamp33: talk@nctu
adamp33: One of the audience
adamp33: I was nervous.
adamp33: sleepnova's talking
adamp33: Douglas and I
adamp33: Hera and I
adamp33: Geniusking and I
adamp33: Douglas and his fans
adamp33: with students
adamp33: Douglas and Sleepy
adamp33: 絲巾、Hera和同學們
adamp33: happy crew
adamp33: the crew
adamp33: What's this?
adamp33: No matter what it is. Just eat it.
adamp33: Douglas Crockford is having duck's tongue
adamp33: Snake wine and soup
adamp33: Ready to drink snake's blood
adamp33: It taste good!
adamp33: Trying snake soup
adamp33: Douglas does not like the soup.
adamp33: First time to eat snake for eveyone
adamp33: cheers!
adamp33: be a man
adamp33: i'm not a gay