adKinn: Signs leading to the meeting room
adKinn: The Landmark - downtown San Francisco
adKinn: Another landmark on the way to the room
adKinn: IMG_0047
adKinn: Kurt and Kevin kicking off the devcamp
adKinn: Brian Ellis from Vertigo talking about Silverlight 101
adKinn: Cal Schrotenboer presenting Expression Blend
adKinn: Randy Fong starting the Silverlight and Flash comparison session
adKinn: Top Banana screenshot
adKinn: Alan Cobb demonstrating PerformanceMon
adKinn: Abdel Remani working on the comparsion chart
adKinn: Jeff Atwood explaining the Vertigo Chess sample
adKinn: Kenny starts the Moonlight discussion
adKinn: Kevin Marshall talking about Facebook and Silverlight
adKinn: Tyler Ballance leading the IronPython session
adKinn: Peter Kellner digging into some Silverlight code
adKinn: SilverlightDevCamp SF t-shirt