Adam Gut: Other Side of Battersea Power Station. Tribute to Pink Floyd (& Hipgnosis), 2007
Adam Gut: Other Side of Battersea Power Station. Tribute to Pink Floyd (& Hipgnosis), 2007
Adam Gut: Other Side of Battersea Power Station. Tribute to Pink Floyd (& Hipgnosis), 2007
Adam Gut: Rue de la Samaritaine; Fribourg / Freiburg / Fryburg, Switzerland
Adam Gut: Rue de la Samaritaine; Fribourg / Freiburg / Fryburg, Switzerland
Adam Gut: Neuve-Ville, Fribourg / Freiburg / Fryburg, Switzerland
Adam Gut: Auge, Fribourg / Freiburg / Fryburg, Switzerland
Adam Gut: Efraim Szreger, Kościół pw. św. Jakuba Apostoła, 1781 (widok od strony rzeki Łupi), Skierniewice
Adam Gut: Pont du Gotteron, Sous Dürrenbuhl, Fribourg / Freiburg / Fryburg, Switzerland
Adam Gut: I HOPE (...) Les Places, Fribourg / Freiburg / Fryburg, Switzerland
Adam Gut: Novartis. Basel / Bâle / Bazylea, Switzerland.
Adam Gut: Basel ' Bâle ' Bazylea, Switzerland.
Adam Gut: Basel ' Bâle ' Bazylea, Switzerland.
Adam Gut: Herzog & de Meuron, Rossetti Institute. Basel ' Bâle ' Bazylea, Switzerland.
Adam Gut: Vicinity of Shandon Street, Cork, Ireland
Adam Gut: St Mary's Church, Cork
Adam Gut: Pope's Quay, Cork, Ireland
Adam Gut: Pope's Quay, Cork, Ireland
Adam Gut: Adolf Loos (1870-1933) - Villa Müller (1928-1930), Praha ' Prague ' Praga
Adam Gut: Adolf Loos (1870-1933) - Villa Müller (1928-1930), Praha ' Prague ' Praga
Adam Gut: Adolf Loos (1870-1933) - Villa Müller (1928-1930), Praha
Adam Gut: Praha ' Prague ' Praga Dejvice, ul. Matejska (Baba)
Adam Gut: Praha ' Prague ' Praga, Hradčany. 2009-09-29
Adam Gut: Praha ' Prague ' Praga, Malá Strana, u. Latenska
Adam Gut: Praha ' Prague ' Praga, Malá Strana, u. Latenska
Adam Gut: Praha ' Prague ' Praga, Hradčany.
Adam Gut: Praha ' Prague ' Praga, Hradčany.
Adam Gut: Obserwacje, 2011-01-22, 3/3.
Adam Gut: Obserwacje, 2011-01-22, 2/3.
Adam Gut: Obserwacje, 2011-01-22, 1/3.