adamdliston: Des and Georgina
adamdliston: The girls
adamdliston: Lunchtime gathering
adamdliston: Vince and Des
adamdliston: Come on Ireland!!!!
adamdliston: Pizza, at last!
adamdliston: Una, Vince, me and Marian
adamdliston: Siblings
adamdliston: Same siblings and in-laws
adamdliston: Siblings and in-laws
adamdliston: Marian
adamdliston: Brenda and Dad at the computer...
adamdliston: Georgina and Des
adamdliston: Des and Brenda
adamdliston: Mum and me!
adamdliston: Michael, Georgina and Brenda
adamdliston: The (same) party (again)
adamdliston: The party
adamdliston: Michael, Des and Georgina
adamdliston: Listening to the Irish singing...