adamcno: jj keepin it real
adamcno: sophie eye humping the robot camera machine
adamcno: jeepers, ya really spooked me with ya new fangled robot camera machine
adamcno: roomies kickin it
adamcno: barbie and ken
adamcno: raquel peaces out
adamcno: john, matt and antonia are off the chain
adamcno: jordan and robyn
adamcno: town drunks
adamcno: classy
adamcno: classy
adamcno: these men will hurt you
adamcno: steve-o
adamcno: make out
adamcno: bein a douche
adamcno: hug, tattoo
adamcno: scrilla, perhaps from someone making it rain
adamcno: novelty hats, how fun
adamcno: cute couple
adamcno: power hour