adamcno: tree trunk
adamcno: why, look over there!
adamcno: andrea by the pond
adamcno: dinner in the central west end
adamcno: lily pond
adamcno: white orchid
adamcno: spiral plant
adamcno: bucky ball
adamcno: bright flower
adamcno: pig in a chevy
adamcno: girls will be girls
adamcno: ty fagan, corie hufford
adamcno: ty and corie fagan
adamcno: looking FANtastic
adamcno: andrea and jill
adamcno: jill getting ready
adamcno: blubelle is one hot beyotch
adamcno: bluebelle's hood ornament
adamcno: bluebelle's grill
adamcno: mmm beer
adamcno: catch of the day
adamcno: an evening fishing with jim
adamcno: hangy balls
adamcno: jim gets into the good stuff
adamcno: my finest pair of waders
adamcno: jim in his sunday best
adamcno: catch of the day, day 2
adamcno: portable tree stands only
adamcno: sign at joe's
adamcno: booth at joe's