Darepictures: wren foraging
Darepictures: wren prospecting
Darepictures: hovering
Darepictures: grey heron
Darepictures: orange tip underwing
Darepictures: orange tip april
Darepictures: skyscape
Darepictures: cloudscape
Darepictures: cetti's warbler
Darepictures: guillemots
Darepictures: skylark
Darepictures: Male Linnet
Darepictures: wren singing
Darepictures: reed warbler singing
Darepictures: buttercup and micro-moth
Darepictures: mute swan
Darepictures: Large red damsel fly
Darepictures: slow worm
Darepictures: holly blue egg laying
Darepictures: large red damsel fly female
Darepictures: large white
Darepictures: buttercup and hoverfly