Darepictures: khajuraho village street
Darepictures: khajuraho rooftop view
Darepictures: Jain Shrine
Darepictures: custodian - eastern temples
Darepictures: Vishwanath Temple
Darepictures: Kandarya Mahadev temple
Darepictures: fragments
Darepictures: Kandarya Mahadev
Darepictures: Varaha avatar of Vishnu
Darepictures: fractal carving
Darepictures: erotic carvings
Darepictures: Varaha
Darepictures: Lakshmana temple
Darepictures: Ganesh
Darepictures: Narasimha avatar of Vishnu
Darepictures: Woman with baby and child
Darepictures: woman removing a thorn from her foot
Darepictures: apsara
Darepictures: Ancient and modern
Darepictures: western temples
Darepictures: Kandarya Mahadev with bougainvillea
Darepictures: khajuraho village temple
Darepictures: fractal carving Khajuraho east
Darepictures: eastern temple