adalmoro: The insect and the flower
adalmoro: The Arapuá bee and the flower bud
adalmoro: Dragon fruit / Pitaya: pests and insects
adalmoro: Dragon fruit / Pitaya: aphids and ants
adalmoro: Dragon fruit / Pitaya: pests and insects
adalmoro: Dragon fruit / Pitaya: "Vietnamese Jaina" flower bud and aphids
adalmoro: Dragon fruit / Pitaya / Pitaia: Arapuá bee
adalmoro: Dragon Fruit / Pitaya / Pitaia: this bee is a nightmare
adalmoro: Dragon fruit / Pitahaya / Buah naga: Diabrotica speciosa
adalmoro: Zamorano besouro
adalmoro: Caramujo: danos causados no cladódio
adalmoro: Caramujo: danos causados no cladódio