ADAction: "Global Engagement Without War" panel with Tom Andrews (Win Without War) and Paul Kawika Martin (Peace Action).
ADAction: Paul Kawika Martin, Political and Communications Director at Peace Action speaking at ADA's Global EngagemePaul Kawika Martin, Political and Communications Director at Peace Action speaking at ADA's Global Engagement Without War panel.
ADAction: Tom Andrews, National Director of Win Without War speaking at ADA's Global Engagement Without War panel.
ADAction: Dan Adcock, Director of Government Relations and Policy at the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) speaking at ADA's "Mending the Safety Net" panel.
ADAction: Brian Dunn, Campaigns and Elections Manager with the National Education Association (NEA) and Ezra Temko speaking at ADA's "Building Economic & Political Power through Organizing" panel.
ADAction: Bonnie Grabenhofer, Action Vice President of National Organization for Women (NOW) speaking at ADA's "Protecting and Securing Progress on Women's Rights" panel with Rich Means and Feminist Majority President Ellie Smeal.
ADAction: Bonnie Grabenhofer, Action Vice President of National Organization for Women (NOW) speaking at ADA's "Protecting and Securing Progress on Women's Rights" panel.
ADAction: Tom Andrews, Win Without War President speaking at ADA's panel "Global Engagement Without War".
ADAction: Feminist Majority President Ellie Smeal.