adactio: Jessica at Akelare
adactio: Jessica at Akelare
adactio: Sea garden
adactio: Oyster leaf
adactio: Sea garden
adactio: Lighting the prawns
adactio: Prawns
adactio: Cuttlefish roller and rice crispies
adactio: Rice crispies
adactio: Cuttlefish roller
adactio: Pasta carpaccio, piquilo and iberic with parmesan shrooms
adactio: Hake and its kokotxa
adactio: Hake and its kokotxa
adactio: Grouper
adactio: Foam of the sea
adactio: Roasted suckling pig with tomato "balao"
adactio: Roasted suckling pig with tomato "balao"
adactio: Pig crisp
adactio: "Xaxu" and coconut iced mousse
adactio: "Xaxu" and coconut iced mousse
adactio: Dessert
adactio: "Peeling off peaches"
adactio: Detail
adactio: Sweets