adactio: Waiting for the flight
adactio: Cogaoke posters
adactio: Lauren and her bib
adactio: Dave and his bib
adactio: Oysters
adactio: Oyster
adactio: Crawfish
adactio: Crab
adactio: Crawfish, crab and corn
adactio: Thumbs up
adactio: Crawfish
adactio: Tom and David
adactio: Cupcake
adactio: Glenn and Karsten
adactio: Microformats lunch
adactio: Emily
adactio: Microformats lunch
adactio: Interrobang tattoo
adactio: Emily's tat
adactio: Valid huffduffer
adactio: Tantek
adactio: Iron Cactus schedule
adactio: Swigging
adactio: Ben's handcrafted HTML itinerary
adactio: Windhammer and Keyboard Man
adactio: Transformed Lauren, double-fisting
adactio: Lauren sings
adactio: Dan sings
adactio: Taking posession of the T-shirt
adactio: Catfish tacos