adactio: Speakers' dinner
adactio: PTG reaches for his wallet
adactio: The floating head of Douglas Crockford
adactio: The floating head of Brendan Eich
adactio: Ross takes notes
adactio: Gareth snaps pics
adactio: Disco Derek
adactio: Derek
adactio: Badly marked up bed
adactio: Badly presented bed
adactio: The floating heads of Douglas Crockford and Dean Edwards
adactio: The floating head of PPK
adactio: Stuart
adactio: Christian
adactio: Christian
adactio: Thanks cat
adactio: Derek and Tom
adactio: Audience
adactio: Alex Russell
adactio: Patrick
adactio: Douglas Crockford listening
adactio: Douglas Crockford speaking
adactio: Panelists to the left
adactio: Panelists to the right