adactio: Joe recreates the London Olympics logo using napkins
adactio: Tantek
adactio: Jason, smoking
adactio: Jason and Joe
adactio: Mark listens
adactio: Colly listens
adactio: The three stages of drinking
adactio: Trippiness
adactio: Haloed
adactio: There Is No Fold
adactio: Oh hai!
adactio: Tantek
adactio: The Joedium
adactio: The sidelines
adactio: No seats for you
adactio: Joe's handiwork
adactio: Joe's effect on Simon
adactio: I can has cheezeburger?
adactio: Nat and Simon
adactio: Jon and Leigh
adactio: Geek dinner
adactio: Going to the pub
adactio: Tantek and Joe
adactio: Circle
adactio: Tantek meets Julian
adactio: Last FMers
adactio: Preparing to present
adactio: Preparing to moderate
adactio: The audience
adactio: Dan checks the shot