adachivers: 1/365 -Tchau 2010! Oi 2011!
adachivers: 2/365 - vício de férias/ Summer vacation's addiction!
adachivers: 3/365 - my lovely blue head phones!
adachivers: 4/365 Algo sinistro vem por aí!/ Something wicked this way comes!
adachivers: 5/365 - summer readings...
adachivers: 6-365 nhá benta! chocolate coated marshmallow!
adachivers: 7 - 365 Live long and prosper (talk to the hand!)
adachivers: 8 - 365 sunday dinner! Jantar de domingo!
adachivers: 9 - 365 my doctors teefury tshirt!
adachivers: 10-365 minhas matérias esse semestre/ my classes this semester
adachivers: 11-365 gulodice (gordice!!!) de madrugada!
adachivers: 12 - 365 o que estou lendo/ what I am reading
adachivers: 13 - 365 Borboletas! Butterflies!
adachivers: 14 - 365 FAIL CAKE!
adachivers: 15- 365 blythe meeting!
adachivers: 16 - 365 eu não tenho controle! I have no self control!
adachivers: 17 - 365 um dia sem criatividade p fotos/ a day with no creativity to pictures...
adachivers: 18 - 365 mais leitura.../ more readings...
adachivers: 19 - 365 Rejoice!
adachivers: 20 - 365 Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel
adachivers: 21 - 365 Shopping Paço Alfandega in Recife, Brasil
adachivers: 22 - 365 Improvise!
adachivers: 23 - 365 Where is my cupcake?
adachivers: 24 - 365 Yet another summer reading!
adachivers: 25 - 365 Nutella and doce de leite cup cakes!!!!
adachivers: 26 - 365 A tedious day without any good ideas I / um dia tedioso sem nenhuma boa ideia I
adachivers: 27 - 365 Resultado da gordice da madrugada! The result of last night´s glutony!
adachivers: 28 - 365 Busted!
adachivers: 29 - 365 Comida p corpo e p alma/ Food for body and soul
adachivers: 30 - 365 four legged visit! visita de 4 patas!