Acie Creations: 1/365: Today is NOT my 10th Wedding Anniversary
Acie Creations: 2/365: FUTAB (1/52) - Last Friday of Summer Learning Edition
Acie Creations: 3/365: Thanks for the Memories!
Acie Creations: 4/365: I'm Hufflepuff and I'm Proud!
Acie Creations: 5/365: Learning Watercolor Pencils
Acie Creations: 6/365: The newest contender for my second home!
Acie Creations: 7/365: I needed a bigger calendar view
Acie Creations: 8/365: Libraries Rock!
Acie Creations: 9/365: Post Summer Learning FUTAB (2/52)
Acie Creations: 10/365: I have a little problem called Office Supplies
Acie Creations: 11/365: I got called into work today
Acie Creations: 12/365: When your biggest mixing bowl is the salad spinner
Acie Creations: 13/365: I can work on patterned projects again!
Acie Creations: 14/365: The Aftermath
Acie Creations: 15/365: Transit Aspects
Acie Creations: 16/365: I ran into Mr. Worf at the library
Acie Creations: 17/365: FUTAB (3/52) Erie County Fair and Colossal Onion 2018 edition
Acie Creations: 18/365: Ren Fest!
Acie Creations: 19/365: Do Nothing Day
Acie Creations: 20/365: I'll take "Things I Can Do Because I'm On Vacation" for $300, Alex
Acie Creations: 22/365: Local Besties!
Acie Creations: 23/365: FUTAB (4/52) Most Wonderful Time of Year Edition
Acie Creations: 24/365: This is how to wind down vacation
Acie Creations: 25/365: Lockport "Flight of Five"
Acie Creations: 26/365: Getting out of bed today was a mistake
Acie Creations: 27/365: A Long Day, But a Good Day
Acie Creations: 28/365: It's that time of year again!
Acie Creations: 29/365: Poke-walk!
Acie Creations: 30/365: FUTAB (5/52) Home Sick Edition
Acie Creations: 31/365: Day 2 of being sick