Acie Creations: 2/365: "Yarn is like film. You should never skimp!"
Acie Creations: 3/365: 163
Acie Creations: 4/365: Application Essays
Acie Creations: 5/365: Running from the camera!
Acie Creations: 6/365: I <3 crochet :-)
Acie Creations: 8/365: Sweet Dreams
Acie Creations: 9/365: I stayed in my points for the week
Acie Creations: 11/365: I found grubby jeans that fit!
Acie Creations: 12/365: I didn't give these boots enough credit....
Acie Creations: 13/365: Cat snuggles!
Acie Creations: 14/365: Lap mate
Acie Creations: 15/365: Another gratuitous kitty shot
Acie Creations: 16/365: Eyes!
Acie Creations: 17/365: Celebration!
Acie Creations: 18/365: Unexciting mirror shot
Acie Creations: 19/365: Inspired by Jennerator
Acie Creations: 20/365: Bedtime crochet time!
Acie Creations: 21/365: I MUST be burning calroies if I'm moving THAT fast!
Acie Creations: 22/365: Pokey spotted FUTAB!
Acie Creations: 23/365: And now... I knit too!
Acie Creations: 24/365: Down the Rabbit Hole!
Acie Creations: 25/365: Drink Me
Acie Creations: 26/365: Hufflepuff and proud of it!
Acie Creations: 27/365: Happy Birthday Mr. Carroll!
Acie Creations: 28/365: Oops....
Acie Creations: 30/365: In the mirror again
Acie Creations: 31/365: My first knited scarf :-D
Acie Creations: 32/365: Headache! Ugh!
Acie Creations: 33/365 - Transformers marathon curtosy Redbox
Acie Creations: 34/365 - Knitting in Motion!