loveallthis: mar 28: submitted my thesis!
loveallthis: mar 27: cherry trees on the quad
loveallthis: mar 26: accepted and approved!
loveallthis: mar 25: happy (edible) hippo and gelato
loveallthis: mar 24: the tragically hip!
loveallthis: mar 23: new haircut
loveallthis: mar 20: old haircut
loveallthis: mar 22: ice skating lessons
loveallthis: mar 21: chopped-up trees on campus
loveallthis: mar 19: home from ladcc awards, dressed up
loveallthis: mar 18: the fountain at the grove
loveallthis: mar 17: who's afraid of virginia woolf?
loveallthis: mar 16: clown class
loveallthis: mar 15: technicolor campus
loveallthis: mar 14: i miss seattle
loveallthis: mar 13: kree takes a break from class
loveallthis: mar 10: excited for ice skating...
loveallthis: mar 9: party flowers
loveallthis: mar 11: grandparents' vacation postcard
loveallthis: mar 12: bamboo in the office
loveallthis: mar 8: living room lamp
loveallthis: mar 7: a moment at home
loveallthis: mar 6: a first for me
loveallthis: mar 5: working on thesis
loveallthis: mar 4: trip to ikea
loveallthis: mar 3: outside, after the show
loveallthis: mar 2: opening night
loveallthis: mar 1: preview
loveallthis: feb 28: another sunset at home
loveallthis: feb 27: two years later