ActiveSteve: James Packing for Leg1
ActiveSteve: My Leg1 Gear
ActiveSteve: Jason Sorting Glowsticks
ActiveSteve: Gear Prep in Condo
ActiveSteve: View from Condo
ActiveSteve: Pre-Race at Condo
ActiveSteve: Pre-Race Briefing
ActiveSteve: Listening in to Briefing
ActiveSteve: Team Coyote at Briefing
ActiveSteve: RD Grant Goes over Course
ActiveSteve: Overview of Course Revealed
ActiveSteve: Bunny System of Challenge
ActiveSteve: Single Cutoff on Course
ActiveSteve: Working on Maps at Condo
ActiveSteve: Pre-Race Chatting and Eating
ActiveSteve: Gear Weigh-in and Loading
ActiveSteve: Bike Loading
ActiveSteve: Eric and Phil Waiting for Start
ActiveSteve: Tightly Loaded Bikes
ActiveSteve: Coyote and Moose Chatting
ActiveSteve: On the Bus to the Start
ActiveSteve: Starting the First Trek
ActiveSteve: Meghan on Opening Trek
ActiveSteve: On the Run During Trek 1
ActiveSteve: Running Strong on Trek 1
ActiveSteve: Moose and Coyote Running Together
ActiveSteve: Into the Trails of Trek1
ActiveSteve: CP2 Location
ActiveSteve: Pause at CP2
ActiveSteve: Still Feeling Good