The Active Explorer: Mom outside Limrock Blowing Cave
The Active Explorer: Little Brown Bat in Limrock Cave
The Active Explorer: Shower in Limrock Blowing Cave
The Active Explorer: Formations in Tumbling Rock Cave
The Active Explorer: Tumbling Rock Cave Entrance
The Active Explorer: Tumbling Rock Cave's Gatekeeper
The Active Explorer: Well Dressed TAG Campsite
The Active Explorer: TAG Bonfire
The Active Explorer: Limrock Cave Pool
The Active Explorer: Me in Limrock Cave
The Active Explorer: Lighting the Bonfire
The Active Explorer: Lighting the Bonfire - Ignition!
The Active Explorer: Burn, baby, burn!
The Active Explorer: Firestarter
The Active Explorer: Juggle fire
The Active Explorer: There are no words....
The Active Explorer: Dad in front of the bonfire
The Active Explorer: Flames & logs
The Active Explorer: The morning after...
The Active Explorer: Entrance to TAG