actionhero: Waiting in Line for Our Timing Chips
actionhero: I Think I'm Excited
actionhero: We're Ready!
actionhero: Now Waiting to Get Marked
actionhero: My Number is 434
actionhero: Marked on My Hand
actionhero: My Age
actionhero: There's My Bike
actionhero: Getting My Transition Area Set Up
actionhero: All My Stuff
actionhero: Walking to the Swim Start
actionhero: I Love Wetsuits
actionhero: Swim Start of Deschutes River
actionhero: Getting Used to the Water
actionhero: It's Not Too Cold
actionhero: Where's the Current?
actionhero: Checking In
actionhero: Deschutes River Further Downstream
actionhero: Hi Bart!
actionhero: Backstroking
actionhero: Can I Get the Wetsuit Off?
actionhero: Getting My Shoes Ready
actionhero: Pulling Off the Wetsuit
actionhero: Ready to Get on My Bike
actionhero: End of the Bike Ride