ACT Foundation: Lasalle secondary school
ACT Foundation: Maureen McNamara, Principal of Lasalle Secondary School
ACT Foundation: Jennifer Edwards, ACT Foundation
ACT Foundation: Kevin Grace, AstraZeneca Canada
ACT Foundation: Glenn Thibeault, MPP Sudbury
ACT Foundation: Maxium Jean-Louis, OTF’s Board of Directors
ACT Foundation: Angie Robson, Manager of Corporate Affairs, Vale
ACT Foundation: Deputy Mayor, Jocelyne Landry-Altmann, City of Greater Sudbury
ACT Foundation: Presentation of the Recognition Award to Vale
ACT Foundation: Don Hughes, Hydro One
ACT Foundation: Dena Morrison, Vice-Chair, Rainbow District School Board
ACT Foundation: Cassandra MacGregor, Principal of Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School
ACT Foundation: Carole Dubé, Director of Communications, Conseil scolaire publique du Grand Nord de l’Ontario
ACT Foundation: Dr. Rob Lepage, Medical Director of the Emergency Dept of Health Science North and Emergency Physician
ACT Foundation: Lasalle secondary school students
ACT Foundation: Maxium Jean-Louis, OTF; Glenn Thibeault, MPP Sudbury and Lasalle secondary students
ACT Foundation: Angie Robson, Manager of Corporate Affairs, Vale; Glenn Thibeault, MPP Sudbury and Lasalle secondary students
ACT Foundation: Kevin Grace, AstraZeneca Canada;Glenn Thibeault, MPP Sudbury and Lasalle secondary students
ACT Foundation: Don Hughes, Hydro One;Glenn Thibeault, MPP Sudbury and Lasalle secondary students
ACT Foundation: ennifer Edwards, ACT Foundation and Angie Robson, Manager of Corporate Affairs, Vale with Lasalle secondary school students
ACT Foundation: Group photo of the event - Vale donates +150 mannequins to Sudbury and area high schools.