ACruisingCouple: Jabiru Stork
ACruisingCouple: hyacinth macaw
ACruisingCouple: capybara
ACruisingCouple: Cocoi Heron
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9544.jpg
ACruisingCouple: Roadside Hawk
ACruisingCouple: Troupial Oriole
ACruisingCouple: Jaguar Resting in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: Jaguar in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9502.jpg
ACruisingCouple: Capybara in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: Cayman and Capybara in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9559.jpg
ACruisingCouple: Capybara Family in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: Cayman eating a fish in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9796.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9838.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9839.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9893.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9912.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9950.jpg
ACruisingCouple: Cayman in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: Jaguar Hunting in the Pantanal
ACruisingCouple: DSC_0063.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9762.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9765.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9777.jpg
ACruisingCouple: DSC_9365.jpg
ACruisingCouple: Looking for Jaguars in the Pantanal