xxx99lou: Coffee ATM Rome
xxx99lou: Rome
xxx99lou: Mary Magdalen's foot. Rome
xxx99lou: Rome - we went there in April to beat the crowds
xxx99lou: Site of Julius Caesar's assassination
xxx99lou: Rome
xxx99lou: P4190045
xxx99lou: P4200049
xxx99lou: P4200053
xxx99lou: Rome
xxx99lou: P4200055
xxx99lou: Hotel Pantheon, Rome
xxx99lou: P4210062
xxx99lou: Sorrento - Fish and Soul
xxx99lou: sorrento - steps to the harbor
xxx99lou: P4220067
xxx99lou: sorrento from the ferry terminal
xxx99lou: It rained so hard while we were waiting for the ferry (under an awning, thankfully) that there was a waterfall from the cliffs by our hotel
xxx99lou: P4220070
xxx99lou: Capri
xxx99lou: Pompeii - look hard and you'll see David
xxx99lou: Capri - they're trying to glue the arch back together
xxx99lou: Sorrento
xxx99lou: Sorrento
xxx99lou: Pompeii - most photographed statue
xxx99lou: Pompeii
xxx99lou: Pompeii
xxx99lou: pompeii
xxx99lou: pompeii - getting out of the rain
xxx99lou: Pompeii, Villa dei Misteri. Cherub taking a selfie